October 29, 2015

DWI Detection and Standardized Field Sobriety Testing Count Down

Session 6-Phase Two: Personal Contact
DWI Detection and Standardized Field Sobriety Testing
Count Down
68 67 66 65 64 63
62 61 60 59 58 57
56 55 54 53…
Additional Techniques
Count Down
This technique requires the driver to count out loud 15 or more numbers in reverse
sequence. For example, you might request a driver to, "Count out loud backwards,
starting with the number 68 and ending with the number 53." This, too, divides attention
because the driver must continuously concentrate to count backwards while trying to
recall where to stop.
Session 6-Phase Two: Personal Contact
DWI Detection and Standardized Field Sobriety Testing
Finger Count
Additional Techniques
Finger Count
In this technique, the driver is asked to touch the tip of the thumb to the tip of each
finger on the same hand while simultaneously counting up one, two, three, four; then to
reverse direction on the fingers while simultaneously counting down four, three, two,
In each instance, Note whether and how well the driver is able to perform the divided
attention task.
HS 178 R5/13 13 of 14
Session 6-Phase Two: Personal Contact
DWI Detection and Standardized Field Sobriety Testing
What do you see?
Angry, unusual reaction?
Can’t follow instructions?
Can’t open door?
Leaves car in gear?
“Climbs” out of car?
Leans against car?
Keeps hand on car?
Anything else?
The Exit
E. Recognition and Description of Clues Associated With the Exit Sequence
Your decision to instruct the driver to step from the vehicle usually is made after you
have developed a suspicion that the driver is impaired. Even if that suspicion may be
very strong, the driver is usually not under arrest when you give the instruction.
How the driver steps and walks from the vehicle and actions or behavior during the exit
sequence may provide important evidence of impairment. Be alert to the driver who:
Proper face to face observation and interview of a driver requires the ability to recognize
the sensory evidence of alcohol and/or other drug influence and the ability to describe
that evidence clearly and convincingly. Developing these abilities takes practice.
Session 6-Phase Two: Personal Contact
DWI Detection and Standardized Field Sobriety Testing
The Busy Businessman Exiting
The Exit
Session 6-Phase Two: Personal Contact
Standardized Field Sobriety Test Course
HS 178 R5/13 14 of 14
Test your Knowledge
INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the following sentences.
1. The two major evidence gathering tasks of Phase Two are:
1) ________________________________________________________________
2) ________________________________________________________________
2. The major decision of Phase Two is ____________________________________
3. Among the describable clues an officer might see during the Phase Two interview
are these three:
4. Among the describable clues an officer might hear during the interview are these
5. Among the describable clues an officer might smell during the interview are these
6. Three techniques an officer might use in asking questions constitute simple divided
attention tasks. These techniques are:
7. The Countdown Technique requires the driver to __________________________
8. Leaning against the vehicle is a clue to DWI which may be observed during _____

Source: DWI Detection and
Standardized Field
Sobriety Testing
March 2013 EditionHS 178 R5/13 1 of 26

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