December 26, 2011

N.J.S.A. 39:4-50 1st Offense – BAC 0.08% or higher, but less than .10%, or observation case 1st Offense – BAC

N.J.S.A. 39:4-50

1st Offense – BAC 0.08% or

higher, but less than .10%,

or observation case

1st Offense – BAC

0.10% or higher or

operation under

influence of drugs 1st Offense 2nd Offense

3rd or Subsequent


39:4-50 Driving While Intoxicated $250 to $400 fine, and $300 to $500 fine, and $500 to $1000 fine,


$1000 fine, and

VCCA $50, DDEF $100,

SNSF $75, $100 surcharge,


VCCA $50, DDEF $100,

SNSF $75, $100

surcharge, and


$100, SNSF $75,

$100 surcharge,



$100, SNSF $75, and

$100 surcharge, and

In court’s discretion,

imprisonment not exceeding

30 days, and

In court’s discretion,

imprisonment not

exceeding 30 days, and

Imprisonment of

not less than 48

consecutive hours,

which shall not be

suspended or

served on

probation, nor more

than 90 days (court

may authorize 2

days through

IDRC), and

Imprisonment not

less than 180 days in

county jail or

workhouse – no

work-release, outpatient,

etc.: must

do time in


Except the court may

order defendant to

serve up to 90 days

of that sentence

participating in a drug

or alcohol inpatient

rehabilitation program

approved by the

IDRC, and

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