Law Office of Kenneth Vercammen, 2053 Woodbridge Ave, Edison, NJ 08817
COST: Free if you pre-register. Complimentary materials provided. This program is
limited to 15 people. Please bring a canned food donation, which will be given
to the Community Food Bank. Please email us if you plan on attending or if you would like us to
email the materials.
SPEAKER: Kenneth Vercammen, Esq.
(Author- Criminal Law Forms by the
American Bar Association)
The NJ
statute on expungement was revised effective April 18, 2016. If
someone has been arrested or even had a private criminal complaint signed
against them in the Municipal Court, they have a criminal record, even if the
charges were dismissed or received a Conditional Discharge Under NJ Law past criminal arrests and convictions
can be expunged/ erased under certain instances. This program will discuss the expungement
process. I served as a Municipal
Prosecutor and was amazed how minor criminal guilty pleas and even dismissed
charges can affect someone’s ability to get a job or advance a career. Do you have children or someone you know or work
with that needs an expungement?
To attend email VercammenLaw@Njlaws.com
attend? We can email you materials.
Send email to VercammenLaw@Njlaws.com
More info: The
Petition for expungement is filed in the Superior Court. It takes a minimum of
three months for the court to grant the expungement. The requirements are very
formal. There can be a waiting period between 6 months up to 10 years after the
criminal case is finished. For someone who had a drug charge, they can hire an
attorney apply for Expungement 6 months after the Conditional Discharge is
complete. The statute requires detailed notices served by the attorney on the
State Police, Attorney General and numerous other government entities.
Court costs and Legal fees for expungement range from $1,500-$2,500.
Kenneth Vercammen is an Edison, Middlesex
County, NJ trial attorney where he
handles Criminal, Municipal Court, Probate, Civil Litigation and Estate
Administration matters. Ken is author of the American Bar Association's new book
“Criminal Law Forms” and often lectures to trial lawyers of the American Bar
Association, NJ State Bar Association and Middlesex County Bar
Association. As the Past Chair of the Municipal Court Section he has served on
its board for 10 years.
the Municipal Court Attorney of the Year by both the NJSBA and Middlesex County
Bar Association, he also received the NJSBA- YLD Service to the Bar Award and
the General Practitioner Attorney of the Year, now Solo Attorney of the Year.
Vercammen is a highly regarded lecturer on both Municipal Court/ DWI and
Estate/ Probate Law issues for the NJICLE- New Jersey State Bar Association, American
Bar Association, and Middlesex County Bar Association. His articles have been
published by NJ Law Journal, ABA Law Practice Management Magazine, YLD Dictum,
GP Gazette and New Jersey Lawyer magazine.
He was a speaker at the 2013 ABA Annual meeting program “Handling the Criminal Misdemeanor and Traffic
Case” and serves as is the Editor in Chief of the NJ Municipal Court Law
nine years he served as the Cranbury Township Prosecutor and also was a Special
Acting Prosecutor in nine different towns. Ken has successfully handled over one
thousand Municipal Court and Superior Court matters in the past 27 years.
private practice has devoted a substantial portion of professional time to the
preparation and trial of litigated matters. Appearing in Courts throughout New
Jersey several times each week on Criminal and Municipal Court trials, civil and
contested Probate hearings. Ken also serves
as the Editor of the popular legal website and related blogs. In Law School he
was a member of the Law Review, winner of the ATLA trial competition and top
ten in class.
Throughout his career he has
served the NJSBA in many leadership and volunteer positions. Ken has testified
for the NJSBA before the Senate Judiciary Committee to support changes in the
DWI law to permit restricted use driver license and interlock legislation. Ken
also testified before the Assembly Judiciary Committee in favor of the
first-time criminal offender “Conditional Dismissal” legislation which permits
dismissal of some criminal charges. He is the voice of the Solo and Small firm
attorneys who juggle active court practice with bar and community activities. In his private life
he has been a member of the NJ State champion Raritan Valley Road Runners
master’s team and is a 4th degree black belt.
Woodbridge Ave.
Edison, NJ